When she gets to hold her baby sister, a 3-year-old girl goes crazy.

Molly, age 3, from Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, will never forget the first time she saw her younger sister, Cora. We can all feel the instant bond because of this movie.

Heather Conley’s second girl had just been born. She couldn’t wait to show her oldest daughter her new baby. No one could have imagined how sweet it would be when Molly got to hold her new sister for the first time.

In this cute movie, we get to see Molly’s first time putting her arms around Cora. Molly can’t stop hugging the sweet baby, even though her mom keeps telling her to be careful. Molly tells Cora with love that she will never leave her again. She also can’t believe that this little person just came out of her mom’s belly.

Molly never stops kissing and telling the baby how cute she is. Cora is so lucky to have a big sister like Molly who loves and cares for her. Even though the kisses and hugs may get annoying, she will one day be glad that she has someone who has her back.

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