She had twins when she was 51, and she is raising them alone.

Many women, but not all, want to have children, and becoming a mother is a big deal in the world of women. Sometimes, things aren’t as easy as they may seem. There are many stories of women who can’t get pregnant and have to get medical help or think about adopting a child.

Manda Epton, who is 54 years old and from Australia, is proof that you should never give up on your goals and dreams. Manda learned when she was 11 that the chances of staying in another state are very small. This 54-year-old woman spent more than 47,000 euros on tt because the doctor’s advice to have an abortion and adopt a child didn’t work.

Even though she had three failures along the way, the British woman finally got what she wanted: she gave birth to two beautiful twins at the age of 51. Already, her story is going around the world.

Manda got a phone call from a doctor in December 2017 that changed her life in every way. “He called me to tell me I was going to have a baby. “I was laughing and crying at the same time,” she said.

Manda gave birth to twins in August 2018. She says they are the result of her battle with tt.

“I thank God for giving them to me. I try to spend every minute of my life with them,” Manda said with a smile, adding that it was hard to be pregnant at age 51. “It was very hard for the first five months. I was sick and passed out a lot. Lucky for me, both of my girls were born healthy and strong.

She said she doesn’t have a boyfriend, but that she got the girls with the help of a friend because she didn’t have time to find a guy who could support her. “I know I’m not young and that not many women my age would agree to have his kids. She said, “In the end, I chose to use the money I had saved for IVF.

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