When his mother’s favorite song came on, he took her hand and did the dance that has since gone viral.

Most people will have trouble sleeping at some point in their lives, but how they deal with it is very important. Some people turn to books, others to music, and still others to drugs when things get hard.

On the other hand, a mother and her son came up with a much better way to treat insomnia that has helped millions of people feel better.

Lance’s mother Lucy started dancing with him as soon as he could walk. She helped him love music and dance, which is clear.

So, when Lucy said one night that she was tired, Lance knew exactly what to do to put her to sleep.

Lance, who was now married and had two kids, was ready to take his beautiful mother’s hand and dance when Megan Traynor’s song “Dear Husband” started playing.

They danced well together, and Lance’s daughter cheered while the rest of the family took pictures of the touching moment.

They can dance well, and their faces show different emotions.

Lucy looks at the camera about halfway through the song and says, “That’s what happened to people who couldn’t fall asleep in Louisiana.”

Millions of people have watched the video and shared it because they fell in love with the mother and son dancers right away. Lance seemed to enjoy working with Lucy, and Lucy seems to enjoy dancing with her kid.

At the end of the dance, Lucy says something that makes the whole family laugh so hard that Lance falls over from laughing so hard. The two of them had a great time together.

In the video below, a mother and her child share a sweet moment:

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