In 2015, a baby born with a heart-shaped scar got a lot of attention. Here’s what he looks like now, four years later.

Every child is a gift, and each is beautiful in his or her own way.

But a little boy who has been called the “love baby” is truly unique.

Murat Engin, who was 30 years old, and Saida, who was 28 years old, couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw a heart-shaped scar on their baby’s face.

People all over the world can’t get enough of the beautiful baby born in 2015.

Little Cinar was born in Ankara, Turkey, at the end of 2015.

Even in the birth room, the baby boy was a star, and the nurses couldn’t help but take selfies with the famous child.

What’s up? Cinar’s scalp has a mark that was there when he was born.

“After the nurse cleaned the blood off his head, we saw the birthmark for the first time,” said Murat, the boy’s father.

The Daily Mail says that the little baby was called “the love baby.”

Cinar got a lot of attention all over the world and went viral.

His parents say that many people stop them on the street and ask to take a picture with him.

“When we go out, everyone smiles at us and loves him. All of our friends are curious about his heart-shaped birthmark and say he’s a love baby,” Murat said.

The family thinks that Cinar’s scar is a gift from God, and they have always told him to be proud of what makes him unique.

“When we go to the hospital for help, the doctors and nurses know who he is and call him “the child of hearts.” He already has a lot of fans.”

And Cinar still has a lot of fans and friends all over the world who want to know what happens next in his life.

His parents set up an Instagram page for him so that people could see what he does every day.

He is now 4 years old and cuter than ever. Do you agree that he is one of a kind?

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