It’s incredible. The “grandfather” was completely altered by the stylist.

Kevin Robert Clark was born in 1983 to tremendous fanfare in America, weighing a staggering 7.2 pounds at the time, making him the country’s largest infant.

Patricia Clark had a hunch throughout her pregnancy with Kevin that the baby would be huge, based on their family’s history of large newborns. Nonetheless, she was somewhat aback by how large he turned out to be.

Patricia and her family observed that Kevin was too big for the typical cot and that all of his clothes were too small for him after getting the baby home from the hospital.

At the age of 12, Kevin weighed more than 152 pounds and towered above others. When questioned about his childhood, Kevin admits that finding clothes and shoes that fit properly was challenging, especially given his rapid growth. He was always in need of new clothes, which made life tough for both him and his family.

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