Black triplets born in white family are already 3 years old: How the unusual family lives now

Rachel and Aaron Holbert from Mississippi have a typical European appearance. This couple has five children. Unlike their parents, all babies have dark skin, black hair and eyes. Three years ago, Rachel gave birth to triplets – girls with a typical African American appearance. How did such an amazing event happen? As a result of … Read more

“”This is one of those wonderful parenting moments you’ve been looking forward to. For the first time, babies are laughing…””

This is one of those great parenting moments you’ve been waiting for, and once you hear your baby’s laughter for the first time, you can’t get enough of it, whether it’s giggles or full-tummy laughter. Since the first month of life, your baby has been experimenting with sounds, cooing, gurgling, and sighing hoarsely. Laughter is … Read more