We already have 11 children, but we decided to give birth to more. I am 36 years old, I have been married for the 14th year!

It’s amazing what kind of strange people you will not meet on earth! For example, this married couple who gave birth to five daughters and six sons in 13 years of marriage. They are surprised, articles are written about them, they are looking for fried facts. Only now Courtney and Chris shrug their shoulders: — we just love children, we always wanted a lot. And I don’t mind if a couple more show up. But you know what the catch is: this outstanding couple is actually normal.

The norm has become a rarity. It was on such families, modest, able to work and understanding the value of children, that the world used to hold. But over time, people got lazy, decided to live for themselves and lost something important. Courtney tells: — We live on $1,300-$1,400.

We save as much as we can: we buy clothes at sales, and we cook food at home, so it’s much more profitable. And another oddity, not so long ago the old norm: children do not go to school. They have home schooling, classes are planned so that there is time for housework and personal development.

They have a van with 15 seats, so the family is completely autonomous. Many do not understand the guys, even Courtney’s mom constantly nags her, convincing her that there is not enough attention for each child. But the woman is skeptical about this statement: she is with the children all day, does not get distracted. It is unlikely that children have attention deficit compared to those who are thrown at nannies or kindergartens.

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